A Modern Man's Guide to Dressing this Summer

A bowler hat. A thick mustache. Thick twill pants, a pair of dress shoes, and a cane – and maybe a monocle if you have the need.We just described what might have made a fashionable gentleman in one age. But we live in the modern age. Style is much more minimal now, and with that summer is here, it’s not always easy to study up on your sartorial know-how in time to make an impression. Unless you find the right guides, of course. Let Berle be your guide this week: we’ll show you how to put together a quick, easy outfit that will have you feeling 100% summer-appropriate and, of course, confident.

Choosing a Solid-Colored Pair of Shorts

Why start with anywhere else? That’s where we at Berle shine, after all. And while you might have gotten used to our Charleston Khaki look over the winter, we have to acknowledge that the sun is out longer, the days last well past 5 o’clock, and a nice pair of shorts is in order if you’re going to stay cool and sweat-free.

What’s more, we can’t have you in just any old pair of shorts. Khaki shorts are great and versatile, of course – but we want you to stand out like a modern gentleman who knows his stuff. That’s why we’ll go ahead and recommend these flat front Charleston Brick shorts. The flat front look is perfect for keeping a clean look. The Charleston Brick color goes perfectly with a white or minimally patterned Oxford Cloth Button-Down shirt to make you stand out and look every bit “summery” without sacrificing any of your masculine style.

Oh, and one note when it comes to wearing shorts like this: you’ll want to keep the feet casual. That means opting for a pair of boat shoes, sans socks (or at least wearing no-show socks). Suede shoes also work, as do casual sneakers…but, again, no athletic socks. You’ve been thusly warned.

Standing Out Even More

Okay, so you like that color…but you’re looking to stand out a little bit more. Why not opt for these Patch Madras Pleated shorts? Complementing a solid or simply-patterned OCBD like the one mentioned above, they’ll more than stand out from your outfit – they’ll stand out from the crowd.

But if you ask us, wearing a pair of shorts “ups the ante” when it comes to the rest of your outfit. So don’t be afraid to supplement with accessories. Add a pair of sunglasses, even a brown leather bracelet or a watch. And, again, the rules of pairing footwear with shorts apply here: you have to keep it minimal unless you want to look more like a tourist and less like an authentic Charleston gentleman.

It doesn’t take much to look the part of the sartorial whiz – just an eye for the right articles of clothing and the right fit. And having Berle in your corner doesn’t hurt, either.