Getting Your Trousers Tailored for Summer Style? What to Expect from Your Appointment


Summer is just ahead, which means it’s time to make sure your summer wardrobe is ready to go. No matter what summertime trousers you plan to wear with your favorite outfits, they’ll fit and feel a lot better if you take them to a tailor.

But just what can you expect from a tailoring appointment for summer trousers? Let us break down what to expect so you are comfortable when you walk through the doors.

Common Tailoring Terms and Alterations

Before you head to your tailoring appointment, it helps to know about the common terms your tailor will likely use and the alterations they might offer. Here are some examples:

  • Hemming, which means shortening the length of pants or sleeves
  • Letting it out, which means releasing the hem to allow for more girth or length
  • Taking it in, which means tightening pants at the waist or tightening a shirt or jacket around your chest
  • Bringing it up, which means shortening the length of your pants or jacket
  • Inseam, which is the seam that runs from your pants’ crotch to the bottom of a leg
  • Rise, the length of your pants from the waist to the bottom of the crotch
  • Darts, which are folds sewn into your garment to improve its shape and reduce any looseness or bagginess

Keep these terms in mind so you can ask your tailor for the alterations you want the most.

Wash and Dry Clothes Before Bringing Them

The next critical thing to keep in mind is that you should wash and dry the clothes you plan to be tailored or adjusted. Why? When you wash and dry new clothing items, they might shrink a little bit. So if your new clothes feel a bit baggy after buying them from the store, wash and dry them, then try them on again.

That way, you’ll be able to give your tailor accurate pointers regarding the alterations you need. Definitely consider this if you have a pair of nice dress pants, like these Super 100’s Gabardine Pleated pants from Berle.

Bring the Shoes You Plan to Wear

When it comes time for your trouser tailoring appointment, be sure to bring the shoes that you plan to wear with the pants. Your tailor may need to measure where the pants end above your shoes, and wearing the right shoes will help them make accurate measurements and tailor the pants for the outfit correctly.

For example, if you’re wearing cool linen trousers for a summertime wedding, like these Classic Linen Pants from Berle, you’ll want to make sure that the pants legs end at your chosen dress shoes.

Where Will the Tailor Pin the Fabric?

Generally, your tailor will pin the fabric along the legs, along the waist, and on the inner thigh. Don’t be afraid or nervous – tailors do this all the time! It’s important to wear trousers when getting them tailored, as it’s the best way for the tailor to see how the pants fit on you before they make their alterations.

Ask Questions & Speak Up!

Remember, however, that your comfort is key. To that end, you should feel free to ask questions and speak up during your tailoring appointment! If you want to know what the tailor is doing, simply ask them, and don’t hesitate to voice concern if you believe that the tailor has made a mistake or you don’t think they fully understand what you want from your tailoring appointment.

Communication is absolutely vital. After all, the last thing you want to do is have your tailoring appointment be a failure. Then, you’ll have to find another tailor and start all over.

A Week or So is an Acceptable Timeframe for Alterations

When you leave the tailor's shop, how long should you have to wait before your trousers are ready? Generally, you should expect to wait about a week for major alterations to your trousers or other summer garments. Anything more than this could be a sign that the tailor is overbooked, and you should consider seeking out another shop.

However, some smaller alterations might be done on the same day! Ask your tailor how long until you can pick up your trousers to schedule appropriately.


As you can see, there’s nothing to worry about if you go to a tailoring appointment for your trousers or other summer clothing items. Of course, if you pick your trousers from Berle, you'll benefit from tailoring options right from the get-go. Check out our wide selection of tailored trousers in a variety of summer-friendly fabrics today!