Tips for Building a Fall Color Wardrobe

When you put together the perfect wardrobe for the fall, you can't just choose the right articles and sizes of clothing. You also need to consider colors. Truth be told, the colors of your clothing articles will impact your look and aesthetic more than almost any other factor.

Want to lean more into the autumn style with the right colors? Read on!

Emulate the Colors of Autumn

A good rule of thumb to follow when creating a fall wardrobe is that you should match your clothing articles with the natural shades of autumn. Autumn is characterized by leaves changing colors, nature, and a darker overall palette compared to spring and summer, which are dominated by bright colors and sunshine.


Naturally, brown is one of the most fall-ish colors you can incorporate into your masculine wardrobe. Fortunately, practically any shade of brown will do the trick, ranging from light brown to dark brown to beige and more.

You can probably find plenty of appropriate male clothing articles that come in brown by default. For instance, these Charleston khakis are perfect for work outfits and casual social occasions, and they come in a stellar brown color that will fit your overall autumn wardrobe without trouble.


Orange is another popular autumn color, as it is reminiscent of one of the most common shades that many leaves change to as they lose their green colors. Orange, though, can be a tricky color to combine with other shades, particularly if you get orange articles that are a bit too bright for comfort.

Most guys are better off getting subdued or dark orange articles, such as socks, shirts, and flannels.


You can be a little more dramatic with red, a popular masculine color overall and a good autumn color since it's another leaf-changing shade. Red looks good subdued, just like orange, so you can lean into shades like burgundy or magenta, depending on your hair color and skin tone.

Combine red with darker shades for the best fall wardrobe effect. Black is a little too dark, but brown, orange, or yellow are perfect combinations (provided you don’t use all three at the same time – you'll look like you are dressing up for Halloween!).


Then there’s yellow, the last of the leaf color trifecta. Again, try not to choose articles that are bright yellow, but dark or subdued yellow shirts, trousers, and even socks can look great for your autumn wardrobe.

However, Other Colors Fit, Too

Your fall wardrobe isn’t only limited to natural autumn shade, of course. Other colors might suit your wardrobe depending on your preferences and your body’s colors. Here are some examples:

  • Dark navy can be an excellent color for pairing with your other fall articles. Take dark jeans – these classic legwear options work just as well in fall as they do throughout the rest of the year, and doubly so if you choose tailored dress denim trousers from Berle. You can pair dark navy articles with brown, orange, and other autumn colors as you like
  • Black can work for some fall articles, like trousers or jackets. This is a particularly good choice if you want to lean more into the gothic side of fall fashion (e.g., you like to wear dark slacks and a dark blazer)
  • Dark green can also be a suitable fall shade, particularly for shirts and chinos. Green further pairs well with many of the natural autumn colors mentioned above, like brown and yellow. Stay away from red and green, though, since it evokes an aesthetic that’s more suitable for winter and Christmas.

Partner Your Colors Based Smartly

Above all else, you need to make sure that you pair your colors together wisely. Certain colors are naturally complementary, while others contrast each other and can make your wardrobe more of an eyesore generator than you want.

For example, red and green are complementary, while dark navy works well with dark orange or brown quite well. If you’re ever unsure, try on some new clothes together at your favorite retailer so you can see how the colors blend together on your body. It’s oftentimes a different effect compared to viewing photos online!

Wrap Up

All in all, these autumn colors will help your wardrobe evoke the aesthetic and energy of fall, making you look more stylish and thoughtful about your wardrobe than ever. Even better, you can find articles in these colors from a variety of retailers, such as Berle: your one-stop shop for all tailored men’s legwear. Check out our selection today!