7 products
Men's Microfiber Shorts
Shorts should be comfortable. That isn’t really a bold statement, but it’s something we believe to be true. Typically, shorts are worn for casual occasions, so there is no reason you should be uncomfortable for the sake of fashion in that case. With men’s microfiber shorts, you will be able to enjoy excellent comfort while also looking great wherever you are going. These kinds of shorts are certainly at home on the golf course, but they can also serve you nicely running errands around town or attending social functions on a warm afternoon.
Choices, Choices
Anytime you order from Berle, you’ll need to make a few choices. That’s a good thing, as it means the garment you receive is going to be a nice fit for your needs and tastes. With our microfiber shorts, one of the biggest choices you’ll need to make is simply the color. We offer a great selection, including stone, navy, and taupe. Of course, selecting the right waist size is essential too, as is deciding if you want a pleated or flat front design. Get the perfect shorts for you.
No Compromises
Many men take great pride in the way they put themselves together before heading out the door. If you consider yourself in that category, shopping at Berle is the right choice. Our garments are produced to a high-quality standard, whether you’re looking for a pair of khaki trousers or shorts. And, with free shipping on regular price orders, you’ll always enjoy excellent value. We look forward to serving you!